As a leader, you know what it's like to be the center of gravity for your organization. As the CEO or President or Chairman, or as a member of the Senior Leadership Team, it is your role to:

  • Forge strategic direction and guide its effective implementation.
  • Choose the other leaders, and shape them into a leadership team that owns and drives performance.
  • Create the culture out of your values and the values of your leadership team - and lead a cultural transformation of the entire staff'.

We at Sarkady are dedicated to serving you - the leaders of our world. We are relentless in helping you generate both the environment for performance as well as the actual results your organization needs to deliver.

Why Sarkady Makes a Difference
Click to hear leaders who have worked with the Sarkady Process describe what made a difference for them and their organizations.

We are known world-wide for taking on the big challenges and tough issues to create breakthroughs. We do the impossible every day.

We bring to bear 35 years of experience helping leaders guide Fortune 500 Corporations, small entrepreneurial start-ups, large non-profits, governments and inter-governmental agencies. In addition, we have worked in US-USSR Arms Control Negotiations, facilitated back channel Middle East peace processes, and worked with Kofi Anan as Secretary General to establish the Global Compact.

SARKADY distills this experience into a force and methodology for leading change. We uniquely apply this force to your needs as a leader and to your organization's need to evolve toward greatness.

Give us a challenge to work...
We'll help you take a big step forward.


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